, SAS, BAZOOKA, BASS TUBES, and LISTEN TO YOUR EARS are registered trademarks of Southern Audio Services, Inc.PAT. NO. 4,567,959 • PAT NO. 5,097,51
DO NOT substitute the 15 amp fuse included with the AmplifiedBazooka with anything other than the same fast blow current ratedfuse. Substitution or de
TRUCK INSTALLATIONtube size is exagerated for emphasisSEDAN INSTALLATIONtube size is exagerated for emphasisHATCHBACK INSTALLATIONtube size is exagera
CONTENTSPRACTICE SAFE LISTENINGSystem Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg 3Specifications . . . . . . . . .
Dear Friend,Thank you for selecting Bazooka®subwoofer speaker systems for your car stereosystem. The Bazooka Reference series represents SAS‘s continu
, SAS, BAZOOKA, BASS TUBES, and LISTEN TO YOUR EARS are registered trademarks of Southern Audio Services, Inc.PAT. NO. 4,567,959 • PAT NO. 5,097,51
Dear Friend,Thank you for selecting Bazooka®subwoofer speaker systems for your car stereosystem. The Bazooka Reference series represents SAS‘s continu
CONTENTSPRACTICE SAFE LISTENINGSystem Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg 3Specifications . . . . . . . . .
TRUCK INSTALLATIONtube size is exagerated for emphasisSEDAN INSTALLATIONtube size is exagerated for emphasisHATCHBACK INSTALLATIONtube size is exagera
DO NOT substitute the 15 amp fuse included with the AmplifiedBazooka with anything other than the same fast blow current ratedfuse. Substitution or de
61. With the top sideof the buckle facingup (see figure 4), lacethe strap through themounting base asillustrated in figure 5.2. After the strap is com
3. Place each mount-ing base under theBazooka so that theapex at the bottom ofthe tube sits insidethe mounting base asin figure 7.4. Move the bases so
3. Place each mount-ing base under theBazooka so that theapex at the bottom ofthe tube sits insidethe mounting base asin figure 7.4. Move the bases so
61. With the top sideof the buckle facingup (see figure 4), lacethe strap through themounting base asillustrated in figure 5.2. After the strap is com
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