©2009 Wargaming.net. All Rights Reserved. ORDER OF WAR is a trademark of Wargaming.net. Published and distributed by Square Enix under license from Wa
GErMAN UNiTSPzKpfw IIIAusf. MDive-Bomber Ju-87D-5PzKpfw IVAusf. HArado 234b-2PzKpfw VAusf. A (Panther)Focke-Wulf 190(with Rockets)King TigerPzKpfw VIE
SOViET UNiTSMedium Tank T-34-76Medium Tank M4A2 Sherman (Land Lease)Heavy Tank IS-2Medium Tank T-34-85ISU-152SU-85 Tank DestroyerHowitzer D-1 152mmAnt
22 23WArrANTYThe following warranty and support information applies only to customers in the United States and Canada, and only to original consumer p
Getting Started ...4Registering with Steam ...4Installation ...4Starting the Game ...
GETTiNG STArTEdBefore you install the game, make sure that your computer has the latest hardware drivers installed. Out-of-date drivers can stop the
iNTrOdUCTiONORDER OF WAR – THE STORY SO FARIn the summer of 1944, the Second World War entered its end-game when the Allies launched two major operati
THE FACTiONSUSAWhen World War I broke out in 1914, the United States remained neutral but eventually joined the Allies in 1917. Again, in the early st
MAiN MENUContinue CampaignResume the war where you left it by automatically loading your last Campaign game.New CampaignBegin your historic Campaign.S
BASiC GAMEPLAYCombatWar is much more than amassing as many units as possible and then storming towards the enemy. To succeed, the player will need to
THE iNTErFACEThe Head-Up DisplayThe Command MenuPlease see the Full Control Guide on the back of the manual for detailed controls.The Mini-MapThe mini
AMEriCAN UNiTSLight Tank M5A1 “Stuart”Medium Tank M4A3(76)W (Sherman)Heavy Tank M26 (General Pershing)1Anti-TankSPG M36M12 155mm GMCSelf-Propelled How
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